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About 'power window motor repair'-How do i get my power window to close all the way
As it gets colder, it becomes time to prepare your home for winter. There are many things you need to do to keep your home safe and cut down on fuel costs. First you must take outdoor furniture inside, put away gardening equipment and put up storm windows. But there are some other things that may take some time but are worth the effort to keep safe during the cold days sure to come. It is best to clean out all the ashes from your barbecue. Clean the grill with a whisk broom and burn off all excess grease. Next you should check out your water pipes. If they are in an area where they may freeze, wrap them in insulation. There are also some areas of your home that will need an extra layer of protection. If there is a wall between your home and an unfinished garage, staple a layer of insulation on the inner face of the wall. Also put insulation between door frames, window heads and sills where needed. An insulation wall will also give you protection from the cold from a basement or attic. Plasticize windows and doors that will not be opened up for several months. It saves tons on fuel bills. Caulking outside windows and caulks will also prevent drafts. If you have a pool, you will need to drain it up to the filter. Then drain the filter. Cover the plugs and the threaded openings with grease to prevent rust. Wrap up the filter motor with a sheet of plastic. Cut off the filter power and remove ladders. Put chlorine in the remaining pool water. Cover the entire pool with a protective plastic. Make sure the edges are clipped to keep it down and shut. Clean the gutters around your house so that water can not cause damage. Use a ladder and a whisk broom to sweep the granules off the gutters and roof. Remove and clean any pieces that water needs to go through. Prepare for the upcoming snow. Make sure your shovels are easily within reach and in good condition. Test your snowblower and also purchase rock salt. Last year in the northeast, the ice was so prevalent, rock salt became tough to find. If you have trees that are split, it best to repair or remove the splits or trees now. Ice and snow can be heavy causing a tree to collapse. Visit a hardware store and someone should be able to tell you how to thread rods through the tree or connect you with someone who can do it. Also cut limbs that may come down in wind as well as prune vines. Remove nests. Now that the bees are gone, it is time to get rid of their nest to avoid them coming back next spring. The same goes for birds, moths, beetles and other insects. It is also a good time to spray against mosquitoes. You will be surprised how much less mosquitoes you have in the summer by spraying periodically rather than only in warm months. If you live in an area where there is a lot of snow, you may need to spray your lawn for snow mold. Fungus kills grass at the edges and a garden supply store can provide you with proper protection. It is best done in October, December and mid-February. Tie down small trees and cover plants. Go to a gardening store for information on what needs to be done for specific trees and plants. Furnace filters need to be replaced a few times a year. When preparing for winter replace or clean it to prevent furnaces from working harder to give heat. It not only makes your home warmer but lowers fuel bills. Also be sure your thermostat is in the right place. It only measures heat near its vicinity. Be sure thermostat is about 5 feet high and near the place you spend the most time. This way that area will be the closest to the temperature you want. Be sure to open and vacuum it to be sure it is running properly. Check for cold drafts around your fireplace. If snow comes down your chimney you need a chimney hood. If it has a draft, plasticize like you would windows. Prepare an area in your home for unexpected power outages. Be sure in one spot you have candles, flashlights, batteries, blankets, canned food, water and a radio. Any special things your family may need can be kept here as well. Don't wait until a storm is brewing to run around getting essentials. Stores will be busy and you may forget something. These are a few things you can do to make sure your home is ready for winter. A little bit of work will lessen winter emergencies and possibly save you a few dollars. Source: Popular Science Illustrated Almanac for Homeowners |
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